Wednesday 19 September 2012


Dear future daughter,

I will pick you up everytime you cry,
Make you smile by doing funny faces,
Change you when you're dirty,
Will not leave your side for the first 7 years of your life and teach you how to read and write, 
Buy you toys, books and lovely clothes,
Will put you to bed or let you sneak in with daddy and mummy,
Will treat you equally with my sons (will never introduce gender biases)
Will listen to your complains,
Will try to answer all the WHY questions eventhough its silly,
To guide in God's path and be a women after His own heart,
Will accept when you change as a teenage girl,
Will teach responsibitites for your actions,

Will come for all your sports day and support you,
Will stand by you when somone bullies you in school (will make sure that your brothers protect you),
Will not scold when you fail, but encourage you to pass,
We'll definately celebrate your success in everything!
Will hug you tight at night when you break up with one of your boyfriend in your younger age,
Will listen to your crazy stories about school, mean teachers, and guys that seem to be too hot to resist in your eyes,
Willnot judge your friends but to get to know as them,
Be helpful with your other friends who needs someone too,
Will celebrate your birthday the way you want it (in which with freedom comes responsibility)

I will do the same for anyone who calls me mum, mummy, mother and what's not coz I know what it feels like to not have one..... <3