Wednesday 22 June 2011

A special woman in my life

Honestly, I don’t have many women in my life and I want to share a very peculiar one:  my godma. I’m sharing this because its her birthday today.

She did not give birth to me but she care for me as her own she nurtured me spiritually and also meet some of my daily needs. Nevertheless, she also disciplines me when she need to. She’s one person when she talks to me over the phone, she will more likely end the conversation with, “love you, take care, bye bye.” 

Sometimes when people looked at her, people can regard her as insane, but to me she is a saint. She juggles a lot of precious fragile glass ball wonderfully by God’s strengths.  She’s a pastor, a youth pastor in fact. 
She’s always full of energy and enthusiastic about her ministry. She strives to equally love all the youths that is under her care. She is a mother to all her youths but she’s also young! She is also an incredible mother to her own little and wonderful children (Ian, Natalie and Nigel). She is a superwoman because she can handle a lot of things together. Oh, how much I adore her strength and her love.

She always and forever strives to honor God with the responsibility that was given to her. She refuses to hear bad things about her youth but she does the other extreme end-she builds relationship and trust. Trust me; no matter how long it takes to get through you, she will never give up. Also, she does not care if people are talking bad about her. She is also very focus to impact people around her.

She is super optimistic; sometimes I’m jealous because I’m a pessimistic in almost all the hard situation. She believes that a situation/people can change. She prays for them and she relies on the power of God for a change. You can put her in every impossible situation, but she will still find opportunity to make it possible.
She is resourceful in every way. She knows her Bible and she knows what to say to us (the youths). She is resourceful also in terms of other things, her handbag is like her doremon pouch, and she has everything with her.

To me, she never hated anyone. Never once, in our conversation that she used the sentence,  “I hate her/him.”  Even if she had, she always tried to find ways to love that someone just as God has loved us all.

Lastly, MUMMY;
I know I’ve said this before or maybe I THOUGHT of saying it but I want to say it again:
I never felt this much of mother’s love before,
So given attention to,
If a pictures of human faces is painted, I can spot you easily because to me, you have the most “mummy-ish face” ever (whatever that means)
I want to do all the little things that I can so that, when we’re are old we can talk and laugh at the memories we had.
I can see that God is on your side, and that he is going to bring great blessing to you and your family and your ministry!
P/s: you don’t mind I share it at my blog aite? but i already did....

1 comment:

Niroshini Balachandran said...

im so touched! god bless your godma